viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

CompartiMOSS Número 9 (Septiembre 2011)

El magazine CompartiMOSS es una revista trimestral con información en castellano sobre SharePoint. En la edición del mes de septiembre tenemos los siguientes tópicos:

- Consejos prácticos de cómo aplicar el Branding Corporativo en SharePoint 2010 sin modificar la página maestra (Juan Manuel Herrera)
- El lado social de SharePoint - III (Alberto Díaz Martín)
- SolidQ Managed Matadata Exporter: Herramienta para exportar Metadatos Administrados de SharePoint 2010 (José Quinto Zamora)
- Instrucciones para organizar un simposio de SharePoint (Vielka Rojas)
- Integración de Windows Azure y SharePoint 2010 (I) (Juan Carlos González Martín)
- Entrevista con Ricardo Muñoz
- SharePoint 2010 BI (Juan M. Alvarado)
- Patrón MVP con SharePoint 2010 (Juan Pablo Capdevila)
- Site Definitions vs. Web Templates (Carlos Ariel Dantiags)
- Herramientas de Comunidad (Gustavo Velez)
- Modelo de Objetos de Cliente (Juan Pablo Pussacq Laborde)


Descargar CompartiMOSS Número 9 - Septiembre 2011 (Alta resolución, 4,0 MB)

Descargar CompartiMOSS Número 9 - Septiembre 2011 (Baja resolución, 1,9 MB)

Descargar el Código Fuente de los ejemplos


domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011

Actualizaciones Acumulativas para Sharepoint Foundation/Server 2010 - Agosto 2011

Ya están disponibles los nuevos paquetes de actualización para Sharepoint Foundation y Server de agosto, posteriores al recientemente liberado Service Pack 1

Descripción del paquete de Windows SharePoint Foundation 2010 Actualización Acumulativa (Sharepoint Foundation-paquete de servidor) Agosto 2011


Descripción del SharePoint Server 2010 Actualización Acumulativa (sharepoint server-paquete de servidor) Agosto 2011


Les recuerdo que como mínimo, deben tener instalado el SP1 de Foundation 2010 y el SP1 de Server 2010, así como todos los SP1 de los paquetes de idiomas para ambos (Foundation y Server), caso contrario posiblemente arroje un error de versión incorrecta durante la instalación, como sucedía en WSS/MOSS.

Una vez aplicadas las actualizaciones, debe ejecutar SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard o en su defecto desde la línea de comandos:

psconfig –cmd upgrade –inplace b2b -wait

Actualizaciones Acumulativas para WSS 3.0/MOSS 2007 - Agosto 2011

Ya están disponibles los nuevos paquetes de actualización para WSS 3.0 y MOSS 2007 de agosto 2011

Descripción del paquete de Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Actualización Acumulativa (WSS-paquete de servidor) Agosto 2011


Descripción del SharePoint Server 2007 Actualización Acumulativa (MOSS-paquete de servidor) Agosto 2011


Como mínimo, deben tener instalado el SP2 de WSS y el SP2 MOSS, así como todos los SP2 de los paquetes de idiomas para ambos (WSS y MOSS), de lo contrario arrojará un error de versión incorrecta durante la instalación. No es problema no tener instalada cualquier actualización acumulativa posterior a SP2 (tener en cuenta si no se tiene SP2, descargar la que ha corregido el problema con la licencia, aunque en los paquetes de idiomas posiblemente aún persistan y deba instalarse el hotfix Post SP2 para corregir este tema)

Una vez aplicadas las actualizaciones, debe ejecutar SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard o en su defecto desde la línea de comandos:

psconfig –cmd upgrade –inplace b2b -wait

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Developing Applications for SharePoint 2010 (updated)

Uno de los factores clave de éxito en los proyectos de desarrollo de sharepoint, es que se consideren desde un principo las mejores prácticas, muy bien expuestas en la documentación que a continuación les presento, que el año pasado fueron refrescadas para la nueva versión de Sharepoint 2010 y que recientemte ha sido actualizada nuevamente.

Descarga (CHM):

Descarga (PDF): SharepointGuidande2010.PDF

Descarga Hands On Labs: SPG2010HandsOnLab

SharePoint 2010 introduce nuevas áreas de rica funcionalidad que crear más opciones y oportunidades para los desarrolladores y arquitectos de soluciones. Soluciones de espacio aislado, nuevas opciones para el modelado de datos y acceso a datos, y nuevos modelos de programación en el cliente con Silverlight y la integración Ajax ofrece un cambio radical en lo que puede lograr con las aplicaciones de SharePoint. Esta guía ofrece una visión técnica profundamente en los conceptos y temas clave para los desarrolladores de soluciones de SharePoint 2010.


Developing Applications for SharePoint 2010 contains guidance documentation, detailed examples, and a reusable class library. These resources are designed to help solution developers and architects make the right decisions and follow proven practices when designing and developing applications for SharePoint 2010. The guidance focuses primarily on the building blocks that every developer needs to understand to become an effective SharePoint developer or architect. The following diagram shows the key areas that are covered within the guidance documentation, reference implementations, and reusable class library.
Key areas covered by Developing Applications for SharePoint 2010
Key areas covered by Developing Applications for SharePoint 2010
Guidance Documentation
The guidance documentation is divided into four core sections.
  • Application Foundations for SharePoint 2010. This section describes approaches you can use to address the challenges of testability, flexibility, configuration, logging and exception handling, and maintainability; it also explains how to use the SharePoint Guidance Library components in these areas.
  • Execution Models in SharePoint 2010. This section provides deep technical insights into the mechanics of the full-trust execution environment, the sandbox execution environment, and various hybrid approaches to executing code in SharePoint applications.
  • Data Models in SharePoint 2010. This section explains new list and external data functionality, key design decision points that can help you to choose between standard SharePoint lists and external lists, and techniques and patterns to address large lists and list aggregation.
  • Client Application Models in SharePoint 2010. This section provides guidance on how best to use the new client-side functionality to access data and build richer client experiences with Silverlight and Ajax.
Each section also contains a set of how-to topics. These explain how to perform specific tasks that the team found challenging to discover.
Reference Implementations
This release includes eight reference implementations that you can deploy to a SharePoint 2010 test environment and explore at your leisure. The reference implementations reinforce the key concepts in the guide and illustrate how to build applications that reflect real-world scenarios. Each reference implementation includes a detailed scenario and design overview, an explanation of the design decisions the team faced for the implementation, and an installation script to automate setup.
Reusable Library
The SharePoint Guidance Library is a collection of reusable code–based utilities that address common challenges in application development for the SharePoint platform. You can use these components in your own SharePoint applications to help you improve your development speed and follow proven practices. The SharePoint Guidance Library consists of three key components:
  • SharePoint Service Locator. This provides a simple implementation of the service location pattern for SharePoint applications. This enables you to isolate your code from dependencies on external types, which makes your code more modular, easier to test, and easier to maintain.
  • Application Setting Manager. This provides a robust and consistent mechanism for storing and retrieving configuration settings at each level of the SharePoint hierarchy, from individual sites (SPWeb) to the entire server farm (SPFarm).
  • SharePoint Logger. This provides easy-to-use utility methods that you can employ to write information to the Windows Event log and the SharePoint Unified Logging Service (ULS) trace log. It also enables you to create custom diagnostic areas and categories for logging.
Common Scenarios
Developing Applications for SharePoint 2010 helps developers and architects design and build robust SharePoint solutions. It addresses the fundamental building blocks for developing applications with SharePoint; it does not address vertical application areas such as Business Intelligence or Enterprise Content Management. The guidance may be particular useful in the following scenarios:
  • If you are an experienced SharePoint 2007 developer or architect, the guidance is useful for learning the complexities and decision points for developers around the new functionality in SharePoint 2010.
  • If you are an experienced developer who is new to SharePoint, the guidance will help you learn the details of SharePoint development in conjunction with other learning materials. It is not intended as an introductory guide, but it is a useful supplement to the product documentation.
  • If you want to make your SharePoint 2010 applications more robust, the reusable components in the SharePoint Guidance Library will help you to improve the flexibility, testability, and manageability of your applications.
  • If you want to start using unit testing or integration testing for SharePoint applications, the guidance can help you get started. The resources include a guide to testing SharePoint applications, together with a series of unit tests that use the Microsoft Research Moles framework, which runs within Visual Studio Unit Test.
Audience Requirements
The guidance documentation, reference implementations, and reusable components were written with the experienced SharePoint developer in mind, and they will derive the most immediate benefit from the guidance. To get the most benefit from the guidance, you should have an understanding of the following:
  • Microsoft Visual C#
  • Microsoft .NET Framework
  • Microsoft SharePoint development
Experienced developers who are new to SharePoint and experienced IT professionals will also benefit from many areas of the guidance. However, some of the deeper topics require an established understanding of SharePoint.
What's New
Most of the content contained in this release relates to new areas of functionality in SharePoint 2010. The SharePoint Guidance Library was included in the previous SharePoint Guidance release, but it has been updated to run within the SharePoint 2010 sandbox environment wherever possible.
System Requirements
The reusable components of the SharePoint Guidance Library will run in any edition of SharePoint 2010, including SharePoint Foundation 2010. To install the reference implementations, you will need a test environment with the following software:
  • Visual Studio 2010 Professional Edition or higher
  • Windows 7, Windows Server 2008R2, or Windows Server 2008
  • SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008R2 Express Edition or higher
  • SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise Edition, SharePoint Server 2010 Standard Edition, or SharePoint Foundation 2010
    Note: Several reference implementations will not work in SharePoint Foundation.
Design Goals
The reusable components of the SharePoint Guidance Library, together with the patterns and approaches described in the guidance documentation and the reference implementations, are designed to help your applications meet the following goals:
  • Efficiency. You can improve the efficiency of your applications by following proven practices and application patterns, and by understanding the performance implications of various design choices.
  • Manageability. You can improve the manageability of your applications by using design patterns and components that reduce dependencies between classes. This makes it easier to maintain your code in a constantly evolving code base.
  • Testability. You can improve the testability of your applications by using design patterns and components that enable you to test classes and business logic in isolation.
