martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

SharePoint Saturday Madrid 2016 (Sesiones y Presentaciones)

El pasado 7 de mayo tuve el placer de asistir al primer SharePoint Saturday que organiza la comunidad de SharePoint de Madrid.  Para los que no pudieron, buenas noticias:  Están publicadas las sesiones para verlas en channel9 y las ppts para descargarlas:



miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

Hackaton Office 365 - Próximo sábado 9 de abril en Barcelona

Hackaton Office 365

SUG.CAT organiza para el próximo sábado 9 de Abril de 2016 un nuevo Hackaton de Office 365. El objetivo principal del Hackaton es el de desarrollar aplicaciones para Office 365. Las aplicaciones creadas entran en competición con el que se pueden ganar los premios facilitados por los patrocinadores del evento.  Para apuntarte haz clic aquí
Para este hackaton ya realizamos una formación previa en un evento que realizamos el pasado mes de diciembre, así que en esta ocasión tras una breve introducción ya nos pondremos a desarrollar. Si alguien no pudo asistir al evento anterior podéis encontrar toda la documentación presentada en
Cosas a tener en cuenta para esta ocasión, ya que sólo vamos a disponer de un sábado por la mañana y el tiempo se nos puede venir encima:
  • Disponer de una cuenta Office 365 desarrollador o crear una de evaluación el día antes.
  • Venir con una idea de la aplicación a desarrollar
  • Equipo formado en caso de un desarrollo colectivo.

09:00 a 9:15
09:15 a 9:30
Presentación y reglas de Hackaton
09:30 a 09:45
09:45 a 10:00
Presentación de cada Grupo
10:00 a 13:30
13:30 a 14:00
Entrega de Premios a mejores Aplicaciones

Los que desarrollen en equipo tienen que hacer una inscripción para cada uno de los miembros del equipo.


La Salle Technova Barcelona
C/ Sant Joan de La Salle, 42
08022 Barcelona

Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM (CEST)

Preguntas acerca del SUG.CAT Hackaton Office 365?Contactanos en SUG.CAT SharePoint User Group Catalunya

martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

WebCast Usando Power BI

Desde SUGES se invita para el próximo Jueves 28 a las 18:30 para WebCast Usando Power BI, donde se hará un repaso práctico de las capacidades que ofrece Power BI como servicio para la publicación de datos analíticos.

Se verán los distintos tipos de datasets para luego crear varios reports de Power View y publicarlos en un Dashboard. También se hablará de cómo se gestiona la seguridad a nivel de report y de datos y las capacidades de publicación y búsquedas de los Dashboards.

Nivel: 200

Para registrarse:

martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Nos vemos en la Iberian SharePoint Conference !!!

Las comunidades técnicas de SharePoint y Office 365 de España organizan el evento CEUS by Iberian SharePoint Conference 2015 que tendrá lugar el 9 y 10 de junio de este año en Madrid en las oficinas de Microsoft en Madrid.

Participarán los principales expertos nacionales e internacionales en la plataforma (MVPs y líderes de la comunidad como Gustavo Vélez, Alberto Díaz, Juan Carlos González, Edin Kapic, Mario Cortes, entre otros), y en el que los asistentes tendrán la oportunidad de adquirir conocimientos desde el punto de vista de Negocio, que viene de CEUS (Conferencia Española de Usuarios de SharePoint), y desde el punto de vista Técnico, adquirido por la Iberian SharePoint Conference.

Se trata de un evento innovador, que reúne las mejores características de los dos eventos de referencia en tecnologías de productividad de Microsoft realizados hasta la fecha.


viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Top 10 SharePoint Sessions @ Microsoft Ignite Conference 2015

What's New for IT Professionals in SharePoint Server 2016

In this session, we have a lot of new information for admins, sharing what's new and coming in the next on-premises version of SharePoint - SharePoint Server 2016 - with insights on hybrid, too. More detailed information to be posted as we get close to Ignite.

The Evolution of SharePoint: Overview and Roadmap

It’s been an exciting year for SharePoint and we’re been hard at work evolving features and capabilities both online and on-premises. This session has a little something for everyone—users, IT pros and developers. We'll cover numerous aspects of SharePoint Server 2016, SharePoint Online, hybrid and everything in between. Lots to share, lots to learn.

SharePoint 2013 and Azure IaaS: Better Together

Get an overview of the options that Microsoft Azure provides for SharePoint. This session explains and demos how you can utilize Azure to host SharePoint farms for hot and warm standby, segregated farms for your developers, farms for integration testing or productive farms. We explain how you can create your own template for SharePoint servers that enables you to add a server to your farm in Azure or on-premises in 15 minutes. We also help you to develop a backup strategy for SharePoint that uses Azure as the storage for long-term backups.

A Strategic and Pragmatic Conversation on Governance

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint Online change the IT landscape in many ways, particularly with its application model and cloud capabilities. From a business perspective, this makes the job of the governance teams more difficult and complex as these issues become key priorities (and areas of weakness) for the organization. This session is a strategic conversation around the elements governance teams should be most concerned with, from data ownership to creating the correct policies and social rights to security. Learn tactical strategies which can be used as soon as you return to the office.

Designing and Applying Information Architecture for Microsoft SharePoint and Office 365

This session demonstrates a proven process for defining, designing, implementing, and governing your information architecture (IA). IA is more than just columns and metadata. Learn how the different components available in SharePoint and Microsoft Office 365 can be leveraged to their fullest potential and your users' ultimate benefit to content organization and discovery.

Future-Proofing Your On-Premises SharePoint Development

Learn how to design and develop SharePoint apps and solutions in your on-premises environment, that will easily migrate to the cloud when your organization is ready.

Setting Up Your On-Premises SharePoint Environment for Custom App Development

This session walks through the operations and management details of how to set up your development environment on-premises to develop cloud apps and solutions.

Transforming Your SharePoint Full Trust Code to the Office App Model

This session is a panel discussion covering examples and patterns for moving SharePoint customizations to the app model - for use either in Office 365 or "cloud-friendly" implementations of on-premises SharePoint. The panel comprises members of the Microsoft Office Dev Patterns and Practices team and independent MVPs. Both bring their experiences from the field, but different perspectives too. The discussion will centre around 5 related hot topics - branding, options around remote code (including .NET, JavaScript and PowerShell), provisioning of customized sites, the story with sandbox solutions and finally how the Office 365 APIs fit in with the app model. We promise a lively discussion, examples of code from the field, and time for Q&A!

Upgrade to Microsoft SharePoint 2013 and Ready for Cloud Potential

Have you heard all your SharePoint admin friends talk about how great SharePoint 2013 is, yet your farm is still running at SharePoint 2010, or even worse, SharePoint 2007? Then this session is for you. In this session, Todd goes over the strategies for upgrading to SharePoint 2013 and best practices for reaching ready-for-cloud potential. He then digs into some fun stories about how he's done battle upgrading SharePoint so that you won't have to. This session includes lots of tips, and lots of fun, and in the end you'll be ready for anything the upgrade to SharePoint 2013 can throw at you, and will be set for the future.

Proven Ways to Build Robust, No-Code Solutions in Microsoft SharePoint

In SharePoint there are many tools available to create elaborate solutions to tackle the most common business scenarios. In this session, see the true power of tools such as Microsoft Access 2013 apps, Microsoft Excel 2013 PowerView, SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflows, Microsoft InfoPath 2013, out-of-box SharePoint features and more! Gain a deeper understanding of how these tools are used in SharePoint to create robust end-to-end SharePoint applications, on-premises and online—without writing a line of code. We help you learn how to create custom, no-code solutions for your organization.


viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014

Formación Online para el track MCSD SharePoint Apps

Los que estén preparándose para la certificación MCSD Sharepoint Applications, les recomiendo que se inscriban en los cursos que Microsoft Virtual Academy tiene disponibles (gratuitos):
Aparte de los Self-Paced Training Kits, que luego comentaré, son un buen recurso para comenzar a prepararse.  Suerte!

martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

Voucher 3x1 para los exámenes de certificación MCSD

Para los interesados en presentarse a los exámenes de certificación del track de desarrollador de aplicaciones SharePoint (MCSD SharePoint Applications) una buena noticia:  Soliciten su voucher para presentar tres exámenes (antes del 31 de mayo de este año) y pagar solo uno. Es una buena oportunidad que no puedes desperdiciar.

+info: Microsoft Virtual Academy Special Offers